December 26, 2012

'twas the day after christmas

yesterday, was christmas.
oh, what a wonderful day!
i received a plethora of wonderful things, and was reminded just why i am so grateful for my family.
i have been saying that if i received a new laptop, i would start a blog! so here i am!
so here i sit, in my new fleece sheets, starting my blog!

i can say that i am in a very nice state of joy right now. you see, my grandma surprised my older sister and i by taking us on a cruise! i leave a week from thursday! i am so stoked because i have this obsession with the ocean, but i have never seen it in person!! also, there is this camera lens i have been wanting, a 50mm f/1.8.
i found one on craigslist for $90!!!! i hope i hear back about it! i did get a fisheye lens yesterday as well, which is lots of fun.

ahhh so nice.

lots of love and rockets (gotta love liz),

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