February 5, 2013

Day Off

lately, i have been working extra hard at school, so today i decided to take a "mental health" day.
nothing is really new, i've just been watching gilmore girls and doing homework. quite boring, but it's not too terrible.

i learned a new technique called "free lensing", (find it here).
it creates almost tilt-shift like photos! 


January 26, 2013


i hate winter.
i am so tired. and its so gross outside.
school is about all that'd been going on. i can't wait for this year to be over.
partly because i am applying for a half day photography class at the local career center! i hope i get in. not being at my school for a whole day would be wonderful.

next, i am very unhappy with the layout and look of this here blog. if anyone were willing to help me or could point me to a site or video or something, it would be very greatly appreciated!

a menagerie of photographs:

love, always,

January 14, 2013


1. drink more tea
2. take my vitamins
3. look like this by august:

that is all.


January 13, 2013

love and dancin'

my school's semi-formal dance was last night.
formal this year > formal last year. definitely. i had so much fun!!!
i do enjoy dancing quite a lot.
this is my dress!
some photoosss:

so much fun.
sigh, now i must lock myself up all day to do homework.
not looking forward to it.
happy sunday!


January 11, 2013

past due

why hello there! i am very overdue for a post!
here are some photos from emma and i's photoshoot, as promised:

not sure i'm a huge cruise person, but it was nice and relaxin! i loved key west!!
some photosss:

now that i'm back to reality, things aren't goin too well. school is bad. too much stress. sigh. just gotta work harder i guess.
my school's semi-formal dance is tomorrow though, i'm excited. it shall be fun.


December 30, 2012

movies, new friends, boyfriend

today is sunday, i usually do not enjoy sundays, but i have plans today!
well first, i'm meeting the guy at barnes and noble to pick up my new lens!!!! then my good friend emma is coming over to drink tea and take photos!

two days ago, i saw les miserables with my new friend peyton! it was a great movie!
however, there could have been more anne hathaway and less hugh jackman singing.
my new friend is very nice as well. i enjoy her a lot.

yesterday i had christmas with the ol' boyfriend.....kinda. i gave him his gift, a sweater. mine hasn't come in the mail, but he told me what it is.

anyway, better go get ready for my day! will post photos later!!

p.s. 5 dayssss :)


December 28, 2012

hay fever

i need to get out of my house.
like, now.
i'm so irritated because my sisters are quite annoying and i'm just so bored!
i may have plans tonight, but i'll still be stuck in my house all day!
also, camera lens guy STILL hasn't e-mailed me back! if he doesn't e-mail me back by the end of today, i'm just gonna buy a lens from amazon.

i suppose i shall go do some chemistry.

oh! 9 days until i leave for my cruise!

affection and spaceships,